Additional Security Options

    Flatcar Container Linux has a number of security measures enabled by default, but there’s always more things that can be enabled if desired. These guides provide information on what additional options can be set.

    Configuring SSSD on Flatcar Container Linux

    Using the System Security Service Daemon to integrate with enterprise authentication services.

    Customizing the SSH daemon

    How to change the way SSH runs.

    SELinux on Flatcar Container Linux

    How to configure, enable or disable SELinux.

    Setting up LUKS disk encryption

    Setting up LUKS disk encryption with automatic unlocking using systemd-cryptenroll or Clevis

    Flatcar Container Linux FIPS guide

    Enabling FIPS mode.

    Flatcar Container Linux hardening guide

    Disabling unnecessary services and other hardening options.

    Setting up the Linux Auditing System

    Setting up the Linux Auditing System.

    Trusted Computing requirements on Flatcar Container Linux

    How to check for hardware and firmware support for using Trusted Computing.

    Custom certificate authorities

    How to add and configure your own CAs.

    Generate self-signed certificates

    How to create a certificate authority and generate certificates for servers, peers, and clients.

    Disabling SMT on Flatcar Container Linux

    How to disable Simultaneous Multi-Threading.