Running Flatcar Container Linux on OpenStack

    These instructions will walk you through downloading Flatcar Container Linux for OpenStack, importing it with the glance tool, and running your first cluster with the nova tool.

    Import the image

    These steps will download the Flatcar Container Linux image, uncompress it, and then import it into the glance image store.

    Choosing a channel

    Flatcar Container Linux is designed to be updated automatically with different schedules per channel. You can disable this feature , although we don’t recommend it. Read the release notes for specific features and bug fixes.

    The Alpha channel closely tracks master and is released frequently. The newest versions of system libraries and utilities will be available for testing. The current version is Flatcar Container Linux 4116.0.0.

    $ wget
    $ bunzip2 flatcar_production_openstack_image.img.bz2

    The Beta channel consists of promoted Alpha releases. The current version is Flatcar Container Linux 4081.1.0.

    $ wget
    $ bunzip2 flatcar_production_openstack_image.img.bz2

    The Stable channel should be used by production clusters. Versions of Flatcar Container Linux are battle-tested within the Beta and Alpha channels before being promoted. The current version is Flatcar Container Linux 3975.2.2.

    $ wget
    $ bunzip2 flatcar_production_openstack_image.img.bz2

    Once the download completes, add the Flatcar Container Linux image into Glance:

    $ openstack image create \
      --container-format bare \
      --disk-format qcow2 \
      --property hw_qemu_guest_agent=yes \
      --file flatcar_production_openstack_image.img \
    | Property         | Value                                |
    | checksum         | 4742f3c30bd2dcbaf3990ac338bd8e8c     |
    | container_format | ovf                                  |
    | created_at       | 2013-08-29T22:21:22                  |
    | deleted          | False                                |
    | deleted_at       | None                                 |
    | disk_format      | qcow2                                |
    | id               | cdf3874c-c27f-4816-bc8c-046b240e0edd |
    | is_public        | False                                |
    | min_disk         | 0                                    |
    | min_ram          | 0                                    |
    | name             | flatcar                               |
    | owner            | 8e662c811b184482adaa34c89a9c33ae     |
    | protected        | False                                |
    | size             | 363660800                            |
    | status           | active                               |
    | updated_at       | 2013-08-29T22:22:04                  |

    The hw_qemu_guest_agent=yes property is optional, but recommended: it enables the qemu guest agent on instances booted from this image which improves lifecycle operations — such as reboots, shutdowns or backup/snapshots commands.

    Optionally add the --visibility public flag to make this image available outside of the configured OpenStack account tenant. See the openstack-cli docs for additional options and flags.

    Butane Configs

    Flatcar Container Linux allows you to configure machine parameters, launch systemd units on startup and more via Butane Configs. These configs are then transpiled into Ignition JSON configs and given to booting machines. Jump over to the docs to learn about the supported features . We’re going to provide our Butane Config to OpenStack via the user-data flag. Our Butane Config will also contain SSH keys that will be used to connect to the instance. In order for this to work your OpenStack cloud provider must support config drive or the OpenStack metadata service.

    As an example, this Butane YAML config will start an NGINX Docker container:

    variant: flatcar
    version: 1.0.0
        - name: core
            - ssh-rsa ABCD...
        - name: nginx.service
          enabled: true
          contents: |
            Description=NGINX example
            ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm --force nginx1
            ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --name nginx1 --pull always --log-driver=journald --net host
            ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop nginx1

    Transpile it to Ignition JSON:

    cat cl.yaml | docker run --rm -i > ignition.json

    The coreos-metadata.service saves metadata variables to /run/metadata/flatcar. Systemd units can use them with EnvironmentFile=/run/metadata/flatcar in the [Service] section when setting Requires=coreos-metadata.service and After=coreos-metadata.service in the [Unit] section. Unfortunately systems relying on config drive are currently unsupported.

    Launch cluster

    Boot the machines with the openstack CLI, referencing the image ID from the import step above and your Ignition file from butane :

    openstack server create \
    --user-data ./config.ign \
    --image cdf3874c-c27f-4816-bc8c-046b240e0edd \
    --key-name flatcar \
    --flavor m1.medium \
    --min 3 \
    --security-group default \
    --security-group flatcar

    To use config drive you may need to add --use-config-drive to command above.

    If you have more than one network, you may have to be explicit in the openstack server create command.

    --network 5b9c5ef6-28b9-4781-ac18-d7d86765fd38

    You can see the IDs for your configured networks by running

    $ openstack network list
    | ID                                   | Label   | Cidr |
    | f54b48c7-34fc-4828-8ee9-21b623c7b8f9 | public  | -    |
    | 5b9c5ef6-28b9-4781-ac18-d7d86765fd38 | private | -    |

    Your first Flatcar Container Linux cluster should now be running. The only thing left to do is find an IP and SSH in.

    $ openstack server list
    | ID                                   | Name            | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks           |
    | a1df1d98-622f-4f3b-adef-cb32f3e2a94d | flatcar-a1df1d98 | ACTIVE | None       | Running     | private=  |
    | db13c6a7-a474-40ff-906e-2447cbf89440 | flatcar-db13c6a7 | ACTIVE | None       | Running     | private=  |
    | f70b739d-9ad8-4b0b-bb74-4d715205ff0b | flatcar-f70b739d | ACTIVE | None       | Running     | private=  |

    Finally SSH into an instance, note that the user is core:

    $ chmod 400 core.pem
    $ ssh -i core.pem [email protected]
    core@10-0-0-3 ~ $

    Adding more machines

    Adding additional instances to the cluster is as easy as launching more with the same Butane Config. New instances will join the cluster assuming they can communicate with the others.


    openstack server create \
    --user-data ./config.ign \
    --image cdf3874c-c27f-4816-bc8c-046b240e0edd \
    --key-name flatcar \
    --flavor m1.medium \
    --security-group default \
    --security-group flatcar

    Using Flatcar Container Linux

    Now that you have a machine booted it is time to play around. Check out the Flatcar Container Linux Quickstart guide or dig into more specific topics .