Running Flatcar Container Linux on libvirt

    This guide explains how to run Flatcar Container Linux with libvirt using the QEMU driver. The libvirt configuration file can be used (for example) with virsh or virt-manager. The guide assumes that you already have a running libvirt setup and virt-install tool. If you don’t have that, other solutions are most likely easier. At the end of the document there are instructions for deploying with Terraform.

    You can direct questions to the IRC channel or mailing list .

    Download the Flatcar Container Linux image

    In this guide, the example virtual machine we are creating is called flatcar-linux1 and all files are stored in /var/lib/libvirt/images/flatcar-linux. This is not a requirement — feel free to substitute that path if you use another one.

    Choosing a channel

    Flatcar Container Linux is designed to be updated automatically with different schedules per channel. You can disable this feature , although we don’t recommend it. Read the release notes for specific features and bug fixes.

    The Alpha channel closely tracks master and is released frequently. The newest versions of system libraries and utilities will be available for testing. The current version is Flatcar Container Linux 4116.0.0.

    We start by downloading the most recent disk image:

    mkdir -p /var/lib/libvirt/images/flatcar-linux
    cd /var/lib/libvirt/images/flatcar-linux
    gpg --verify flatcar_production_qemu_image.img.sig

    The Beta channel consists of promoted Alpha releases. The current version is Flatcar Container Linux 4081.1.0.

    We start by downloading the most recent disk image:

    mkdir -p /var/lib/libvirt/images/flatcar-linux
    cd /var/lib/libvirt/images/flatcar-linux
    gpg --verify flatcar_production_qemu_image.img.sig

    The Stable channel should be used by production clusters. Versions of Flatcar Container Linux are battle-tested within the Beta and Alpha channels before being promoted. The current version is Flatcar Container Linux 3975.2.2.

    We start by downloading the most recent disk image:

    mkdir -p /var/lib/libvirt/images/flatcar-linux
    cd /var/lib/libvirt/images/flatcar-linux
    gpg --verify flatcar_production_qemu_image.img.sig

    Virtual machine configuration

    Now create a qcow2 image snapshot using the command below:

    cd /var/lib/libvirt/images/flatcar-linux
    qemu-img create -f qcow2 -F qcow2 -b flatcar_production_qemu_image.img flatcar-linux1.qcow2

    This will create a flatcar-linux1.qcow2 snapshot image. Any changes to flatcar-linux1.qcow2 will not be reflected in flatcar_production_qemu_image.img. Making any changes to a base image (flatcar_production_qemu_image.img in our example) will corrupt its snapshots.

    Ignition config

    The preferred way to configure a Flatcar Container Linux machine is via Ignition.

    Create the Ignition config

    Typically you won’t write Ignition files yourself, rather you will typically use a tool like the config transpiler to generate them.

    However the Ignition file is created, it should be placed in a location which qemu can access. In this example, we’ll place it in /var/lib/libvirt/flatcar-linux/flatcar-linux1/provision.ign.

    Here, for example, we create an empty Ignition config that contains no further declarations besides its specification version:

    mkdir -p /var/lib/libvirt/flatcar-linux/flatcar-linux1/
    echo '{"ignition":{"version":"2.0.0"}}' > /var/lib/libvirt/flatcar-linux/flatcar-linux1/provision.ign

    If the host uses SELinux, allow the VM access to the config:

    semanage fcontext -a -t virt_content_t "/var/lib/libvirt/flatcar-linux/flatcar-linux1"
    restorecon -R "/var/lib/libvirt/flatcar-linux/flatcar-linux1"

    If the host uses AppArmor, allow qemu to access the config files:

    echo "  # For ignition files" >> /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/libvirt-qemu
    echo "  /var/lib/libvirt/flatcar-linux/** r," >> /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/libvirt-qemu

    Since the empty Ignition config is not very useful, here is an example how to write a simple Butane Config to add your ssh keys and write a hostname file:

    variant: flatcar
    version: 1.0.0
      - path: /etc/hostname
          inline: "flatcar-linux1"
        - name: core
            - "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC0g+ZTxC7weoIJLUafOgrm+h..."

    Assuming that you save this as example.yaml (and replace the dummy key with public key), you can convert it to an Ignition config with the config transpiler . Here we run it from a Docker image:

    cat example.yaml | docker run --rm -i > /var/lib/libvirt/flatcar-linux/flatcar-linux1/provision.ign

    Creating the domain

    Once the Ignition file exists on disk, the machine can be configured and started:

    virt-install --connect qemu:///system \
                 --import \
                 --name flatcar-linux1 \
                 --ram 1024 --vcpus 1 \
                 --os-type=generic \
                 --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/flatcar-linux/flatcar-linux1.qcow2,format=qcow2,bus=virtio \
                 --vnc --noautoconsole \
                 --qemu-commandline='-fw_cfg name=opt/org.flatcar-linux/config,file=/var/lib/libvirt/flatcar-linux/flatcar-linux1/provision.ign'

    SSH into the machine

    By default, libvirt runs its own DHCP server which will provide an IP address to new instances. You can query it for what IP addresses have been assigned to machines:

    $ virsh net-dhcp-leases default
    Expiry Time          MAC address        Protocol  IP address                Hostname        Client ID or DUID
     2017-08-09 16:32:52  52:54:00:13:12:45  ipv4        flatcar-linux1 ff:32:39:f9:b5:00:02:00:00🆎11:06:6a:55:ed:5d:0a:73:ee

    To SSH into:

    Network configuration

    Static IP

    By default, Flatcar Container Linux uses DHCP to get its network configuration. In this example the VM will be attached directly to the local network via a bridge on the host’s virbr0 and the local network. To configure a static address add a networkd unit to the Butane Config:

    variant: flatcar
    version: 1.0.0
      - name: core
        - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDGdByTgSVHq.......
      - path: /etc/hostname
          inline: flatcar-linux1
      - path: /etc/systemd/network/
          inline: |

    Using DHCP with a libvirt network

    An alternative to statically configuring an IP at the host level is to do so at the libvirt level. If you’re using libvirt’s built in DHCP server and a recent libvirt version, it allows configuring what IP address will be provided to a given machine ahead of time.

    This can be done using the net-update command. The following assumes you’re using the default libvirt network and have configured the MAC Address to 52:54:00:fe:b3:c0 through the --network flag on virt-install:

    virsh net-update --network "default" add-last ip-dhcp-host \
        --xml "<host mac='${mac}' ip='${ip}' />" \
        --live --config

    By executing these commands before running virsh start, we can ensure the libvirt DHCP server will hand out a known IP.

    SSH Config

    To simplify this and avoid potential host key errors in the future add the following to ~/.ssh/config:

    Host flatcar-linux1
    User core
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
    UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null

    Now you can log in to the virtual machine with:

    ssh flatcar-linux1

    Using Flatcar Container Linux

    Now that you have a machine booted it is time to play around. Check out the Flatcar Container Linux Quickstart guide or dig into more specific topics .


    The libvirt Terraform Provider allows to quickly deploy machines in a declarative way. This is especially useful for local development of a configuration that is also in use on a cloud provider. Read more about using Terraform and Flatcar here .

    The following Terraform v0.13 module may serve as a base for your own setup. A new disk volume pool will be created in /var/tmp as precaution to not modify the base image by accident.

    First, prepare the base image and make sure you don’t boot it via the script or similar:

    cd ~/Downloads
    mv flatcar_production_qemu_image.img flatcar_production_qemu_image-libvirt-import.img
    # optional, increase the image by 5 GB:
    qemu-img resize flatcar_production_qemu_image-libvirt-import.img +5G

    It will only be used once for the import and can be deleted afterwards even when new VMs are added.

    Start with a file that contains the main declarations:

    terraform {
      required_version = ">= 0.13"
      required_providers {
        libvirt = {
          source  = "dmacvicar/libvirt"
          version = "0.6.3"
        ct = {
          source  = "poseidon/ct"
          version = "0.7.1"
        template = {
          source  = "hashicorp/template"
          version = "~> 2.2.0"
    provider "libvirt" {
      uri = "qemu:///system"
    resource "libvirt_pool" "volumetmp" {
      name = "${var.cluster_name}-pool"
      type = "dir"
      path = "/var/tmp/${var.cluster_name}-pool"
    resource "libvirt_volume" "base" {
      name   = "flatcar-base"
      source = var.base_image
      pool   =
      format = "qcow2"
    resource "libvirt_volume" "vm-disk" {
      for_each = toset(var.machines)
      # workaround: depend on libvirt_ignition.ignition[each.key], otherwise the VM will use the old disk when the user-data changes
      name           = "${var.cluster_name}-${each.key}-${md5(libvirt_ignition.ignition[each.key].id)}.qcow2"
      base_volume_id =
      pool           =
      format         = "qcow2"
    resource "libvirt_ignition" "ignition" {
      for_each = toset(var.machines)
      name     = "${var.cluster_name}-${each.key}-ignition"
      pool     =
      content  = data.ct_config.vm-ignitions[each.key].rendered
    resource "libvirt_domain" "machine" {
      for_each = toset(var.machines)
      name     = "${var.cluster_name}-${each.key}"
      vcpu     = var.virtual_cpus
      memory   = var.virtual_memory
      fw_cfg_name     = "opt/org.flatcar-linux/config"
      coreos_ignition = libvirt_ignition.ignition[each.key].id
      disk {
        volume_id = libvirt_volume.vm-disk[each.key].id
      graphics {
        listen_type = "address"
      # dynamic IP assignment on the bridge, NAT for Internet access
      network_interface {
        network_name   = "default"
        wait_for_lease = true
    data "ct_config" "vm-ignitions" {
      for_each = toset(var.machines)
      content  = data.template_file.vm-configs[each.key].rendered
    data "template_file" "vm-configs" {
      for_each = toset(var.machines)
      template = file("${path.module}/machine-${each.key}.yaml.tmpl")
      vars = {
        ssh_keys = jsonencode(var.ssh_keys)
        name     = each.key

    Create a file that declares the variables used above:

    variable "machines" {
      type        = list(string)
      description = "Machine names, corresponding to machine-NAME.yaml.tmpl files"
    variable "cluster_name" {
      type        = string
      description = "Cluster name used as prefix for the machine names"
    variable "ssh_keys" {
      type        = list(string)
      description = "SSH public keys for user 'core'"
    variable "base_image" {
      type        = string
      description = "Path to unpacked Flatcar Container Linux image flatcar_production_qemu_image.img (probably after a qemu-img resize IMG +5G)"
    variable "virtual_memory" {
      type        = number
      default     = 2048
      description = "Virtual RAM in MB"
    variable "virtual_cpus" {
      type        = number
      default     = 1
      description = "Number of virtual CPUs"

    An file shows the resulting IP addresses:

    output "ip-addresses" {
      value = {
        for key in var.machines :
        "${var.cluster_name}-${key}" => libvirt_domain.machine[key].network_interface.0.addresses.*
      # or instead of outputs, use dig CLUSTERNAME-VMNAME @

    Now you can use the module by declaring the variables and a Container Linux Configuration for a machine. First create a terraform.tfvars file with your settings:

    base_image     = "file:///home/myself/Downloads/flatcar_production_qemu_image-libvirt-import.img"
    cluster_name  = "mycluster"
    machines     = ["mynode"]
    virtual_memory = 768
    ssh_keys     = ["ssh-rsa AA... [email protected]"]

    Create the configuration for mynode in the file machine-mynode.yaml.tmpl:

        - name: core
          ssh_authorized_keys: ${ssh_keys}
        - path: /home/core/works
          filesystem: root
          mode: 0755
            inline: |
              set -euo pipefail
              echo My name is ${name} and the hostname is $${hostname}          

    Finally, run Terraform v0.13 as follows to create the machine:

    terraform init
    terraform apply

    View the VMs in virt-manager where you can see the VGA console. Log in via ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null core@IPADDRESS with the printed IP address.

    When you make a change to machine-mynode.yaml.tmpl and run terraform apply again, the instance and its disk will be replaced.